Thursday 5 December 2013

Green designs that shine - Community | The Star Online

Published: Wednesday December 4, 2013 MYT 12:00:00 AM
Updated: Wednesday December 4, 2013 MYT 11:31:00 AM

Green designs that shine

Astute judges: Goh (fourth from left) and Nippon Paint Malaysia head of marketing Alex Yoong (right) with the panel of judges. At left is Interior Design category chief judge, YJA Interiors managing director Anura Hashim.
Astute judges: Goh (fourth from left) and Nippon Paint Malaysia head of marketing Alex Yoong (right) with the panel of judges. At left is Interior Design category chief judge, YJA Interiors managing director Anura Hashim.
Abdullah Mustaffar Razali and Heah Chee Shean, both 22, recently won the Gold and Best Colour Choice award in their respective competition categories at the 2013 Nippon Paint Young Designer Award (NPYDA).
Abdullah, who won the Architecture category’s top title, transformed a single-function futsal court into a multiple-use “Kuantan Youth Centre”.
He introduced canopies on his building design to harvest rainwater as well as green-coloured walls to reduce building temperature and induce better air filtration.
“It is not just a conducive environment for the younger community, it is a place that incorporates functionality with ecological features,” explained the Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah student.
Champions: Abdullah Mustaffar (left) and Heah presented the best concept and design in this year's NPYDA.
Champions: Abdullah Mustaffar (left) and Heah with their trophies.
Heah, from Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, won the Interior Design category’s coveted award for her colourful “Flamboyant Pier Play School”.
Reinterpreting tradition, she played around with basic industrial containers, arranging them in a cluster that allows ventilation, wind flow and natural sunlight.
“My design is made from simple green ideas, but it is cost-effective and easy to construct. Most importantly, safety is key since it is meant for pre-schoolers,” said Heah.
This year’s competition theme, “Re:Think. Re:Create”, challenged students to dig deep into what they perceive to be functional site development.
“Current landscape trends demand design concepts that are developed in response to current issues such as sustainability, community and health,” said Nippon Paint Malaysia Sdn Bhd group general manager Gladys Goh.
Interior design category gold: Heah's Flamboyant Pier Play School
Unique:Heah’s Flamboyant ‘Pier Play School’ won the Interior Design Category gold.
“Re:Think.Re:Create wasn’t just a colour competition. It works on the platform that recognises green factors, efficient use of space, and purpose, which is what students need to learn now as they are the ones who build the future.”
The architecture category’s Silver Award went to Wan Mei Zhen from UCSI University for “Cultural Centre of KL”, honorary mention to UCSI’s Tan Kwon Chong for “Helio Health Centre” and Zheng Xing from Linton College for “KLCC” while the Best Green Innovation award also went to Tan.
The interior design category’s Silver Award was presented to Lee Jian Ru from KBU International College for “The Den Library & Art Centre”, honorary mention went to Malaysian Institute of Art’s Lum Choom Sam and KBU’s Foh Vui Siang.
Foh also received the Best Green Innovation title.
The gold winners received RM3,000, a trophy, certificate and a learning trip to Japan under the coaching of Super Potato’s Takashi Sugimoto and Sadao Tsuchiya of Muji fame.

by:  Green designs that shine - Community | The Star Online

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Nippon Paint Young Designer Award 2013 - Senibina POLISAS...we can do it!!!!

Centred around the theme of "Re:Think. Re: Create", Nippon Paint crowns the Malaysian winners of the Nippon Paint Young Designer Awards (NPYDA) 2013.

Abdullah Mustaffar B. Razali from Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah picked up the Gold Award in teh Architecture category for his work - "Kuantan Youth Centre". He Re:Created a single-purpose futsal court into a multi-functional centre that would meet the socio-economic needs of youth within Kuantan's city centre. The design incorporated sustainable building materials and focused on green solutions like a green wall to help air filtration in the building, skylights to reduce energy consumption and  shades to limit glare from the sun.

Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah also won Best Colour Choice Award, Best Lecturer Award, Best College / University Award and Best Supporting College /University Award.

The Gold winners in Malaysia walked away with RM3,000 in cash and will be heading to Japan in March next year, together with Gold winners from six other countries in the region. The learning trip to Japan will give the Gold winners an opportunity to meet with renowned architects and interior designers including the likes of Takeshi Sugimoto (Super Potato) and Sadao Tsuchiya (MUJI) from Japan, in addition to other designers from China, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia.

The NPYDA is an annual event to celebrate and to recognise outstanding works by students in the field of interior design and architecture. The entries were judged based on space planning and design, green elements, colour and design statement with an additional site analysis requirement for the architecture category. This year, the competition challenged the students to push the boundaries of design by identifying an existing space and proposing an innovative concept that would improve the living conditions of the communities around it.

The judges for the Malaysian leg of this competition comprised industry professionals including chief judge for the Interior Design category Anura Hashim and Ar. Jasmeet Singh for the Architecture category. The panel of judges also include representatives from the Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association (REHDA), Malaysian Institute of Interior Designers (MIID) and the Malaysia Green Building Confederation (MGBC). It is also supported by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KETTHA).

For more information and further updates on the Nippon Paint Young Designer Award 2013, go to or www.facebook/youngdesigneraward. 

Feel free to visit the related website...TQ

Creative entries sweep Gold award at NPYDA 2013 - Malaysia Premier Property and Real Estate Portal

Creative entries sweep Gold award at NPYDA 2013 - Malaysia Premier Property and Real Estate Portal

Tuesday 27 August 2013





Radziah binti Hashim
Ketua Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam
Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah


Sulaiman bin Abdul Kadir
Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah


Khadijah Murni binti Ismail
Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah


Zuraini binti Din
Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah


Admawati binti Md Adnan

Nik Nur Dina bt Nik Azmi(Ketua)
Manizawati Bt Zainal Abidin
Hasdina Hanapi

Norazliza binti Mohamed Salleh(Ketua)
Noor Lida binti Jusoh
Noor Khairul Idham bin Nordin

Afizi bin Abd Fatah (Ketua)
Ahmad Yusri bin Mohamad
Tee Lian Yong

Wan Faezah binti Wan Mustapa(Ketua)
Khairuddin bin Jaafar
Wan Nurul Hasinah binti Wan Kamarudin
Nurul Fadzleen bin Mohamad

Mohd Faizal bin Abu Samah(Ketua)
Emmyliana binti Ayob
Nur Aisah binti Moin

Norhayati binti Yusof (Ketua)
Sabariah binti Majid
Badrul Hisham bin Mohamad Daud
Hj. Fikri bin Ismail
Jasni bin Md Zain
Abd Rahim bin Awang
Abd Rahim bin Wagiran
Abd Rahim bin Sarjan
Mohamad bin Abdul Rahman
Md Marzukee bin Md Yusuf
Che Khairil yusri bin Yusof
Zuraidah binti hashim
YM Raja Noor Alina binti Raja Ali
Syamsiah Erina binti Ab.Ghani
Wan Noor Hin bt Mior Sani
Siti Salwa binti Mohamad Noor

Norrizah binti Abd Wahab (Ketua)
Syurina binti Shamsudin
Zamzilawati binti Abdullah
Nurbazilah binti Ishak
Masita bt Hassan
Jamaayah bt Mohd Hassan
Sabrina binti Md Yusoff
Noraishah binti Mustapa

Norazlina binti Che Hamid(Ketua)
Zakiah binti Hassan
Siti Norzailina binti Md. Som
Syarini binti mohd Amin
Norika binti karim
Hadizah binti Mohd kassim
Siti Zaleha binti Ibrahim
Nor Ashikin binti Marzuki
Nik Nor asima binti Nik Ariffin
Ernie binti Kulain @ Abd Karim
Siti Amirah binti Abd Rahman
Aminal’lah bin Mat Ali
Ahmad Mujahid bin Hamzah
Asiah bt Abd Satar

Halim  bin Baharuddin(Ketua)
Mohd Jalil bin Che Jusof
Suhaimi bin Yajid
Azman bin Abdullah
Muhd Fadhlullah bin Rashid
 Mohd Rizal bin Khatib
Sha’Amry bin Mohd Yusof
Saiful Hazman bin Mokhtar
Abu Bakar bin Ahmad

Nor Azmi bin Nordin(Ketua)
Rozallieney Zainal
                                                           Hani Havary

Wan Mohd Noor Shahril bin Wan Sulaiman(Ketua)
Shahrin bin Shafie
  Mohd Yusri Afyzan bin
Mohd Nizar bin Hashim

Rafikullah bin Deraman(Ketua)
Che Ku Ahmad Fuad bin Che Ku Abdullah
Che Mat Noor bin Che Ibrahim
Syed Idrus bin Syed Salim
Nordina bt Mokhtar
Norayushafira binti Che Kamaruddin
Manisah bt Mohamad

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Iftar Ramadhan Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam 2013

Pada 31 Julai 2013, Majlis Iftar Ramadhan telah berlangsung di Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam POLISAS. Majlis ini dilaksanakan dengan jayanya yang melibatkan 700 orang pelajar dan pensyarah. Ia dilakukan secara gotong-royong dan melibatkan semua pensyarah dan pelajar JKA. Ia merupakan satu usaha dalam memupuk semangat kerjasama diantara pelajar dan pensyarah. Diantara aktiviti yang dijalankan termasuklah Ceramah Agama, Tadarus Al-Quran, Nasyid, Jamuan Berbuka Puasa & Sembahyang Terawih. Diharap, pada masa akan datang, majlis ini dapat diteruskan lagi demi memupuk silaturahim di kalangan warga JKA.
En. Mahathir selaku 'floor manager' utk agihan makanan kepada pelajar...
Ketua Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Cik Radziah Binti Hashim bersama-sama 'turun padang'
 Kumpulan Transformasi mengalunkan lagu nasyid..
Antara pensyarah yang bertukar menjadi chef...
 Persiapan untuk Iftar

 Para pensyarah dan pelajar mengambil tempat untuk berbuka puasa.

Monday 13 May 2013


Program ‘Eco-B Students Exhibition 2013’ telah berjaya diadakan pada 26-28 March 2013 di Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Kuala Lumpur. Program di anjurkan julung kalinya di bawah anjuran Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM). Ianya disertai semua IPTS/IPTA diseluruh Malaysia termasuk Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah (POLISAS). POLISAS membawa seramai 2 pensyarah dan 2 pelajar (DSB 6B) daripada Program Seni Bina POLISAS.
Tujuan program ini diadakan adalah supaya  mencapai objektif-objektif berikut :
. Memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar seni bina terhadap pamrean/ aktiviti luar.
. Mempamerkan hasil-hasil kerja pelajar seni bina.
. Meningkatkan kebolehpasaran graduan dan mempromosikan kebolehan dan kemahiran pelajar-pelajar seni bina di IPTS/IPTA melalui ‘Eco-B Students Exhibition’.
. Mempromosi kebolehan dan kemahiran pelajar seni bina hasil keluaran daripada seluruh politeknik dan universiti .

Aktiviti yang diadakan selama 3 hari adalah pameran ‘Architecture Presentation Board’ oleh pelajar daripada IPTA/IPTS. ‘Booth’ pameran sedia menerima kunjungan oleh orang ramai dan para pelajar IPTA/IPTS bermula jam 10.00 pagi hingga 6.00 petang dan masuk adalah percuma. Pada 27 March 2013 tepat jam 2.30 petang, program ‘Eco-B Students Exhibition 2013’, Kuala Lumpur ini telah dirasmikan oleh President Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia iaitu Ar Hj Saifuddin Ahmad. 
Berdasarkan tinjauan yang dilakukan, program ‘Eco-B Students Exhibition 2013’ telah diadakan dengan jayanya  dan mendapat sambutan hangat daripada pengunjung yang terdiri daripada para arkitek, pensyarah dan yang paling penting adalah para pelajar kerana program ini dapat memberi impak yang besar kepada para pelajar untuk memperluas dan meningkatkan ilmu tentang seni bina di IPTS/IPTA masing-masing. Selain daripada itu juga, program ini mewujudkan persaingan yang sihat diantara para pelajar di politeknik dan universiti.